Japan Sim Free 50GB/mo.$20/mo.VALID UNTIL 2024-09-04SEE DETAILS

List of APN / Carries / Data reset time for eSIM

Data Plan




Data reset time

Calculation method of days in use

Japan / Korea

daily usage plan
Japan Softbank plus.4g Local time after 00:00 By date after activation
Japan AU(KDDI) cmhk After 00:00 GMT+8 By date after activation GMT+8
Japan 5Mbps
unlimited plan
Japan KDDI cmhk After 00:00 GMT+8 By date after activation (UTC+8)
15/30 days data plan
Japan IIJmio vmobile.jp Speed throttled to 256kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
South Korea
daily usage plan
Korea SKT mobile.three.com.hk After 00:00 GMT+8 By date after activation GMT+8
South Korea Korea SKT cmhk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days

China/ Hong Kong/ Macau

China/ Hong Kong/ Macau
daily plan
China China Unicom 3gnet Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance By date after activation GMT+8
Hong Kong 3
Macau CTM
China/ Hong Kong/ Macau
15 or 30 days plan
China China Unicom 3gnet Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
Hong Kong 3
Macau CTM
China only China  China Mobile cmhk After 00:00 GMT+8 By date after activation GMT+8
fixed data/ days plan
China China Mobile cmhk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days

Asia/ Africa

21 Countries in Asia Multiple Countries multiple network ctm-mobile Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
13 Countries in Asia & Africa Multiple Countries multiple network cmhk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
Philippines Philippines SMART mobile.three.com.hk Local time after 00:00 By 24 hours after activation
Singapore/ Malaysia/ Thailand
5days plan
Singapore Sing Tel cmhk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
Malaysia Maxis
Thailand TrueMove H 
Singapore/ Malaysia/ Indonesia
Unlimited plan
Singapore SIMBA mobile.three.com.hk Unlimited data By date after activation GMT+8
Malaysia U Mobile
Indonesia Telkomsel


46 European countries Multiple countries multiple network mobiledata Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days

33 European countries daily usage plan

Multiple countries multiple network drei.at Local time after 00:00 By 24 hours after activation
33 European countries Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
30 European countries daily usage plan Multiple countries multiple network internet.proximus.be Local time after 00:00 By 24 hours after activation
30 European countries Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
Russia Russia MTS mobile Local time after 00:00 By 24 hours after activation

USA / Canada

USA daily usage plan





mobile.three.com.hk After 00:00 GMT+8 By date after activation GMT+8


USA AT&T internet Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
USA/ Canada daily usage plan USA AT&T mobile.three.com.hk After 00:00 GMT+8 By date after activation GMT+8
Canada Rogers Wireless
USA/ Canada USA AT&T mobile.three.com.hk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
Canada Rogers Wireless
Guam+Saipan  USA DOCOMO Pacific mobile.three.com.hk After 00:00 GMT+8 By date after activation GMT+8
Middle East
United Arab Emirates
daily usage plan
United Arab Emirates Etisalat drei.at Local time after 00:00 By 24 hours after activation
United Arab Emirates
15 or 30 days plan
United Arab Emirates Etisalat drei.at Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days

Global / Latin America

Global 35 Countries Global 35 Countries multiple network mobile.three.com.hk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
49 Countries in Global & Latin America 49 Countries in Global & Latin America multiple network mobile.three.com.hk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days
World Basic in 146 Countries  146 Countries worldwide multiple network cmhk Speed throttled to 128kbps after the allowance Fixed number of days